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Slush Asia 2021._微信墙

2021-11-21 197
文章摘要:活动行提供Slush Asia 2021.门票优惠。Slush Asia 2021.由(SlushChina)在上海举办,预约报名截止(2021/12/17 23:30:00)。一键查询(Slush Asia 2021.)相关信息,包含时间、 地点、日程、价格等信息,在线报

Slush Asia 2021 | Early Bird Tickets Open Now

Slush  2 days ago

Hello Slushers :) 

         It’s been a while.

Can’t wait to see you again!

The coolest tech and startup event 

 Slush Asia 2021

is coming back to Shanghai!

Early bird tickets open now 

50% OFF, Limited Offer

Entrepreneurs, geeks, tech lovers, 

what are you waiting for?

What is Slush?

Slush entered China in 2015 with its debut event in Beijing. Since then Slush China team brought this world-class event to Shanghai, Nanjing and Shenzhen. Slush China events in 2019 attracted 15,000 attendees globally. As part of the Slush global community, we are committed to facilitating the connection between startups and top-tier investors, executives and media. In 2021, Slush Shanghai is upgraded to Slush Asia. We decided to expand Slush China’s scope and reach, involving more regions and countries in Asia and Europe,  bringing Slush global community closer with a larger pool of investors, corporates, and media. 


In the year of 2021, the world is still shadowed by COVID that changed the history and trajectory of human being. The entire globe came to a halt. However, facing the COVID, the relentless tech enterprises chose to embrace the change and disruptive reform.

Slush never stops supporting startup and innovation companies that change the world. We got your back!  Slush global communities call for more startups, investors, corporates and media, and invite tech enterprises from Asia and Europe to join us.

X-MAN智能生态开放日 | 仅限技术创业者参加,仅此一天!

活动行提供X-MAN智能生态开放日 | 仅限技术创业者参加,仅此一天!门票优惠。X-MAN智能生态开放日 | 仅限技术创业者参加,仅此一天!由(科沃斯蒲公英加速器)在上海举办,预约报名截止(2021/11/26 21:30:00)。一键查询(X-MAN智能生态开放日 | 仅限技术创业者参加,仅此一天!)相关信息,包含时间、 地点、日程、价格等信息,在线报名,轻松快捷。

Slush China will join hands with top investors and innovators, reboot the future together!

Event Time & Venue

Dec. 16-17, 2021

Shanghai World Expo Center


Wondering what “REBOOT THE FUTURE” is about? 

The pandemic has changed our world forever. Emerging from this crisis, we decide to take action to rethink, reimagine and REBOOT THE FUTURE. 

We are joining hands with top-tier investors, world-changing entrepre-

neurs, corporate innovators, and media partners to tackle the challenges and find answers to the most urgent questions. Join us at Slush Asia 2021 to become part of the change and create a better future, together!

Join Slush Asia 2021, and build the future!

11.27 友伴欢乐美食轰趴 | 冬日暖心火锅宴

活动行提供11.27 友伴欢乐美食轰趴 | 冬日暖心火锅宴门票优惠。11.27 友伴欢乐美食轰趴 | 冬日暖心火锅宴由(杭州友伴文化创意有限公司)在浙江举办,预约报名截止(2021/11/27 23:00:00)。一键查询(11.27 友伴欢乐美食轰趴 | 冬日暖心火锅宴)相关信息,包含时间、 地点、日程、价格等信息,在线报名,轻松快捷。

会伴科技 针对会展活动场景提供会议系统、接待系统、互动系统、VR展厅、定制系统服务等,解决会议邀约、注册报名、在线缴费、智慧通知、会中接待、电子签到、现场制证、人脸识别、电子餐券、论坛管理、会场门禁、数据管理等,同时提供创意签到、互动抽奖、互动游戏、电子签约、评分系统、投票系统、印章打卡、VR展厅、AI互动、AI翻译、系统定制等服务。目前服务的会展活动超过1000场,合作会展公司超过100家。

